Services & Products

Services & Products

Our products and services help to speak your intentions directly to Source by way of the natural elements of earth, air, water and fire. These are powerful ways to manifest. Many of our products deal primarily with the fire elements by way of the candle flame, as it represents heat, intensity, motivation and speed! With the added use of color, crystals, oils, herbs, and energy healing- your intentions are strengthened, drawing in the associated energies of what you seek. Led by the divine guidance of our angels and spirit guides, we hope to help bring you closer to what it is that you want and need. 🙏🏾

Browse and shop right below!


Usui Reiki Healing


Includes: Brief consultation, 25 minutes of full chakra energy healing followed by a wrap up conversation on what I picked up during your healing and post self-care recommendations/divine messages.

DISCLAIMER: Energy healing, crystal and sound healing as well as Reiki are deemed alternative, supplementary wellness approaches and DO NOT replace the need for standard medical care through your physician or licensed professional. You should not stop, add, or change any medication or standard treatment, without the advice, consent and guidance of your physician.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a traditional Japanese form of energetic healing that dates back to about 100 years. The word “Reiki” literally means, universal life force energy… (click button to learn more/ read testimonials!)


  • Private General Reading (30 mins)- $55

  • Private General Reading (1 hour)- $100

  • College Student Special (must provide photo of student I.D. via email) :(40 mins)- $33

Includes: Full intuitive reading via phone call. Texted/emailed photos of cards and messages that came out for personal reference are provided after the call. (optional)

What is a Reading?

Spiritual readings are sessions with a spiritual practitioner or advisor who uses their intuition, divination tools, and/or their knowledge of metaphysical principles to offer spiritual insight through sacred ancestors and cosmic guardians. The aim of spiritual readings is to provide clarity and guidance to individuals who seek answers to their questions about their life's purpose, relationships, career, health, and other areas of their life.

Divine Intuitive Readings


Includes: Virtual intuitive guided mediation accompanied by auric cleansing.

What is Guided Meditation?

Guided meditation is a type of meditation where a person is led through a specific set of instructions by a trained guide or teacher. During guided meditation, the guide will typically provide spoken guidance on how to relax, breathe deeply, focus the mind, and visualize calming or positive mental images. Guided meditation can be useful for beginners who are just starting to explore meditation, as it can provide structure and guidance to help them achieve a relaxed and focused state of mind. It can also be helpful for individuals who struggle with distracting thoughts or have difficulty staying focused during meditation. Guided meditation can cover a wide range of topics, from relaxation and stress reduction to improving sleep, increasing self-confidence, or cultivating mindfulness.

Guided Meditation

Nanm Santre | "The Divine Reset"

1:1 SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE PROGRAM- (approximately 4 weeks) $333 (payment plans available)

The Divine Reset is a restorative (approximately) 4 week program that works to guide you towards inner alignment and your own personal spiritual centeredness. This time will probably be the most transformative time of your life if you are experiencing a dark night of the soul. If you are having trouble moving through the lessons and cycles you are meant to close and release yourself from, you may find recourse here. This program is for those who are experiencing:

  • Depressive Thoughts

  • Unhealthy Attachments

  • Uncertainty of Life’s Path

  • Stagnated/ Obtrusive Energies

This program includes: 4 scheduled 1.5 hour readings/check-ins, 1 personalized spiritual bath kit, 1 personalized manifestation candle, 1 full remote reiki session, 10 personalized affirmations along with one nightly prayer, and personalized inner work assignments for daily practice.

Payment plans are available!

DISCLAIMER: Energy healing, crystal and sound healing as well as Reiki are deemed alternative, supplementary wellness approaches and DO NOT replace the need for standard medical care through your physician or licensed professional. You should not stop, add, or change any medication or standard treatment, without the advice, consent and guidance of your physician.



“I AM LOVE” - $30

The real way in which you can attract divine love is by being that divine love. "I AM LOVE" , was created with the intention of raising that vibration within you. When you love yourself, value yourself, believe in yourself, your attraction to the things you desire and DESERVE will be limitless. You become the love that can transform your life.

Product description: 1 Manifestation Candle

💵🔥 One of our most popular and powerful candles! “Abundant Flames” helps you to heighten your attraction to abundance, prosperity, opportunities and ideas. This candle is perfect if you are working on manifesting a new business plan, looking to secure an opportunity, or just wanting to be open to what can lead you to abundance. All you need to do is be focused on the goal you are looking to achieve, and with the light of a wick- get ready to RECEIVE!🔥💵

Product description: 1 Manifestation Candle

"Abundant Flames" - $30

"Stay Far Away!" - $30

🚫It is time to raise your protection! Staying spiritually protected and covered is just as important as your physical safety! Unfortunately there are many entities out there who do in fact wish badly on us, sending us evil eye energy and negative vibes! "Stay Far Away!" works to heighten your personal spiritual protection with the help of my powerful negative energy banishing herb blend. Adding that special touch of the sacred flame, you will reinforce that protective shield of light that your angels and spirit guides already have for you! 🔥

Product description: 1 Manifestation Candle

"NAYM OIL- Inner Child Healing" - $62

Inner child wounds often reside in deep deep waters. These traumas can cause for us to not be able to tap into real joy, genuine curiosity or even have the ability to feel safe in our bodies or in the world. I was guided to develop this divine oil by my ancestors as well as my Sirian Star Family. This sacred medicine works heavily with the nurturing feminine element of water to heal places deep within the soul that many can not reach. The Dolphin Spirit Totem also guides the inner child healing through the charged freshwater pearls for this sacred medicine by ushering in playfulness, joy and restoring our souls with our own natural rhythms.

This moves to invoke:

Deep Emotional Balance/ Clarity
Emotional Trauma Release
Bold Curiosity
Soul Groundedness

Instructions/ Intentional Prayer are included.

Product description: 1 Bottle of Healing Oil